Author: Koen Geeraert
Execute a PHP script using CRON
In response to this post, I’ve received the following email: “How can I execute a PHP page using CRON? I’m trying ‘php -q /path/script.php’ but it does nothing..“ Note: It’s very likely that your PHP binary is outside of the …
Daily Full MySQL backup using cron
Today I bring to you a cron job that will save a well named gzip of your database dump every day at 4:00 (4am). Example output: “myDB_2012-01-29_04-00-01.sql.gz“ In this example, I’ll use a fictional host, path, login and password. When …
Observer Pattern in Java [Example]
Click an image to enlarge. Runnable Observable Class example: This is the class that is the core of our program. As we’re using it threaded, this class implements Runnable. Because we also want to know when it actually is running, …
As part of our Data Communication and Networking class, we had to create a Java based project that implements a protocol of choice. Thomas and me decided to create a web server based on the HTTP/1.1 RFC documents. After roughly …
Automated DynDNS update B-BOX 2
This small tutorial will teach you how you can make your Belgacom B-BOX 2 update your DynDNS ip without installing any additional software. Step 1: Go to: If you have changed the B-BOX2 ip, replace in the uri …